Posts by Year


Decision Tree Algorithm

8 minute read

Decision tree learning or induction of decision trees is one of the predictive modelling approaches used in statistics, data mining and machine learning. It...

Pandas Tutorial - Python

4 minute read

Pandas is a Python library that gives structure to data, it also makes it very easy to access this data as well as manipulate it.

Dynamic Huffman Coding

2 minute read

Adaptive Huffman coding (also called Dynamic Huffman coding) is an adaptive coding technique based on Huffman coding. It permits building the code as the sym...

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Embracing Packet Loss in TCP Congestion Control

6 minute read

a network packet is a formatted unit of data carried by a packet-switched network. A packet consists of control information and user data; the latter is also...

Network ICMP and Sniffing

7 minute read

Requirements: 1) myping sends ICMP ECHO REQUEST and receives ICMP-ECHO-REPLY (one time is enough) 2) myping calculates the RTT time in milliseconds and micro...

Packet Sniffing and Spoofing Lab

23 minute read

Scapy is a packet manipulation tool. Craft and send packets. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capt...

Borůvka’s Algorithm

1 minute read

Borůvka’s Algorithm is a greedy algorithm published by Otakar Borůvka, a Czech mathematician best known for his work in graph theory. Its most famous applic...

Space Tracker

5 minute read

Tracking an object has been one of the problems studied for the past several decades. Usually the “tracker” - the process that performs the tracking, is part...

Kruskal’s Algorithm

3 minute read

Kruskal’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm for solving the problem of finding a minimal spanning tree (MST) in a weighted and undirected graph. The goal is t...

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