🎓 B.Sc. Computer Science and Mathematics Graduade

📫 How to reach me: DorAzaria@gmail.com

A quick learner, self-driven, independent, and self-taught. I am a tech geek, passionate about state-of-the-art tech, algorithms, space, and AI. I am looking for a company where I can grow with a resolute team of people. I like to take projects to excellence. I have authored more than five academic books containing exams and solutions for courses in my university. I also summarized courses with a total number of about 2,000 latex pages.


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Borůvka’s Algorithm

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Borůvka’s Algorithm is a greedy algorithm published by Otakar Borůvka, a Czech mathematician best known for his work in graph theory. Its most famous applic...

Space Tracker

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Tracking an object has been one of the problems studied for the past several decades. Usually the “tracker” - the process that performs the tracking, is part...

Kruskal’s Algorithm

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Kruskal’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm for solving the problem of finding a minimal spanning tree (MST) in a weighted and undirected graph. The goal is t...